After a few hectic months I'm finally finding a moment to update my blog. After 11 years my job seized to exist and lots of things had to be finalized and handed over. I also did a short course in shoe making and made myself a pair of leather shoes. What an amazing thing to experience! When the job and the shoe making came to an end I zipped to the Netherlands and went away for a long weekend to Rome with my parents and brother. Back in Australia now and the jetlag is behind me. Trying to find some sort of pattern in my days now that I don't work, but I'll get there.
Hieronder waar ik me in die tijd allemaal mee heb beziggehouden op naaigebied voor als je me niet volgt op Instagram.
Below a few images of what I've been sewing in the past few months in case you haven't seen on Instagram.
I finally finished the dress that was hanging on my mannequin for months... Simplicity 6123
A striped skirt, pattern Mme ZsaZsa
A swimming bag for L's school swimming, own pattern
A Just Knot It dress for L, photo's are not great, need to make some new ones when the sun is out again. Love the pattern and L is super happy with her pretty dress!
Een kraamcadeautje voor een lief klein meisje: Cloud baby by Miss Daisy Patterns en kleine babyschoentjes
A baby gift for a sweet little girl: a Cloud Baby by Miss Daisy Patterns and Little baby shoes.
En m'n nieuwe schoenen natuurlijk. Ze zijn nog niet helemaal af, de hak moet er nog op en er zijn vele punten voor verbetering maar voor een eerste poging ben ik best tevreden met m'n knalblauwe en zilveren glitterschoenen.
And of course my new shoes. They are not quite finished yet, they still need the heel on them and they are not perfect but for a first try I'm quite happy with my bright blue and glitter silver shoes.