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Pattern Slim Fit T-shirt, Ottobre summer 2007 |
On Wednesday the kids have a cross country at school. For things like this the school is divided in colour coded groups and both brother and sister are in Acacia or yellow. Last time B had to wear yellow I found out too late that he had grown out of all yellow shirts in his wardrobe. School says you don't need to buy anything so he went to school with a yellow loom bracelet and a shirt with some yellow in it. Unfortunately for Ben some of his school mates didn't think that was good enough. This time around I was better prepared; Thursday I got the note, Friday I found the most yellow stretch fabric I could find (it's called lemon), an iron on number to make it look cool and today the time to put it all together. B is very happy and so am I.
Voor Koningsdag was ik op zoek naar iets om te maken voor de kinderen om uit te delen in hun klas. Laura's Bakery to the rescue! Daar vond ik iets leuks: rood-wit-blauwe meringues. Ik had nog nooit eerder meringues gemaakt maar ze zijn prima gelukt en waren best makkelijk. Tuurlijk eerst een test gedaan en aan de hand daarvan wat dingetjes aangepast. Door die test had ik niet genoeg rode en blauwe gel meer dus ik heb een deel oranje gekleurd, het was zo een heel leuk geheel.
Ook nog een Ikea lampje bekleed, het is niet helemaal naar wens maar dat is zo verholpen want dit was zo gedaan.
I also covered an Ikea lamp with fabric, not very happy with the result but it's easily fixed as it was a pretty quick project.